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Alessio Barchitta

Curated by spazioSERRA
Critical text by Balloon Project


On display from 25/03/2021 to 22/04/2021
Opening Thursday 25/
03/2021 at 18:00
Lancetti railway station, Milan



Alessio Barchitta (Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, Sicily, 1991) moved in 2010 to Milan where he began his studies at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts which ended in 2017 with a second-level academic degree in Visual Arts, specializing in painting. His research pays particular attention to sculpture but does not exclude any media, each project is developed with materials and means more suitable for the purpose in relation to contrasting themes such as: public/private - tragic/comic - stability/transience.


Balloon Project is a study and research platform in the field of contemporary visual culture active since 2012. It promotes and disseminates the visual arts through independent curating, communication and micro-publishing projects. It also deals with design, fashion, music, intermediary projects, always maintaining a transversal and dialogic approach. The realization of the critical apparatus of this exhibition has been possible thanks to: Valentina Barbagallo, Bianca Basile, Giuseppe Mendolia Calella, Laura Cantale, Anna Papale, Alessandra Tomasello.


The first mutation is realized by Alessio Barchitta, who investigates the topics of authenticity, its transience, and the passing of time. His artistic intervention will be visible from Thursday 25 March until Thursday 22 April at spazioSERRA, set in Lancetti railway station, Milan.

"The site-specific installation is an OSANNA(!) (hosanna) – as explained in the critical text edited by the curators of Balloon Project, a research platform that deals with contemporary visual culture since 2012 - that is generated, evolves and it is transformed into something else thanks to the succession of repeated actions that create an uncontrolled and unpredictable change. OSANNA(!) recalls symbols, hierarchies, and actions typical of religious ceremonies. If the officiant and the faithful did not take part in the liturgy, each fulfilling his or her task, this would not exist, likewise, if there were not the artist, the curator, the public, the mutation desired by Barchitta would not be realized".

Barchitta, with blue and white salt, draws on the floor a geometric pattern obliged by the architectural conformation of spazioSERRA. At the center we can read “vorrei ci fosse una frase ad effetto, ma non ne valeva la pena, è già altro” (I wish there was a sentence with effect, but it wasn't worth it, it's already something else): a tautology, a denial of itself from the first appearance. A plant automaton will wander through the space until energetic exhaustion, mixing colors, deforming the design, destroying the sentence, through various performative actions.

Alessio Barchitta's research questions the contemporary art system in a constant diatribe between causality/chance, legitimation/authenticity, thus triggering short circuits between the work, the author and the public. The work is created by itself, in favor of the show, so who is the subject/object of this installation: the action, the artist, the curator, the space, the viewer?


Via Maloia, 1, 20158, Milan MI 


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